This guide explains how to upload a video or audio file to your personal Panopto folder (My Folder) and then embed or share it outside of Canvas.
For help using Panopto to submit to Canvas, see Submit Audio/Video to a Canvas Assignment or Submit Audio/Video to a Canvas Discussion.
NOTE: When you embed a Panopto video/audio in a Canvas course, any member of that course can view that video/audio (except for when you're embedding your media in a text box that is then submitted to an assignment, in which case your submission is only private between you and the instructor(s) of the course). When you embed anywhere else, you'll have to change the video/audio's sharing settings to allow others to view it. See our guide, Share Video/Audio and Folders in Panopto, for help.
Access My Folder
Go to Panopto and log in with your Emerson credentials. You'll open to My Folder. You can also reach My Folder from the Browse section of the left-hand menu. Anything uploaded to My Folder is private until you share it with others.
Upload Your Video
Once in My Folder, click Create and select Upload media.
You'll be prompted to upload your file.
Once the file finishes uploading and starts processing, you may close the upload window.
Your file will appear in My Folder.
Get the Shareable Link or Embed Code
Hover over the video/audio and click Share.
A window with sharing options will appear. Click the large grey rectangle under "Who has access" and choose a permissions setting (if you choose "Anyone at your organization with the link", users will need to log in with their Emerson accounts). Then click Save Changes.
At the bottom of the sharing window, you'll find a shareable link.
Copy this link and share it with whomever you wish. Or, click Embed, copy the entire code that appears, and paste it into a web page's HTML editor to embed your media on a web page (a WordPress post, for example).
For further assistance, please contact