Embed a Panopto Video or Audio in Word.Emerson

  1. Upload your video or audio to Panopto if you haven't already. In either the Panopto tool within Canvas or the Panopto web portal, navigate to the folder that contains your video or audio.

  2. Hover your mouse over your video or audio and select Share Share icon 

    Screenshot of the Panopto My Folder interface with the mouse hovering over a video revealing the share button


  3. Click the Change link under "Who can access this video" (it says Only specific people and groups by default).

    A video's sharing settings, with Change link indicated.

  4. Select Public Anyone can find and access.

    A video's sharing settings dropdown, with Public: Anyone can find and access indicated.

  5. Click Embed at the bottom of the sharing settings window, to the right of Link. Use the form to customize the embed, then click Copy Embed Code.

    The Panopto embed code is located at the bottom of the Sharing settings.

  6. Access your WordPress site's dashboard. Find the post or page on which you'd like to embed the video, and click Edit (or add a new post or page).

    For Block Editor
    Add a Custom HTML block to the post or page. Paste the embed code in that block. When you're finished, click Publish (or Update). 

    Screenshot of the block editor interface with a custom HTML block containing the embed code for a Panopto video

    For Classic Editor
    Click the Text tab at the editor's top right, and paste the embed code into the box. You can then switch back to the Visual tab if you'd like to add more content in addition to your video (or audio). When you're finished, click Publish (or Update).

    A WordPress post's editor with a Panopto embed code pasted in.

Here's what your embedded Panopto video should look like on your WordPress post or page:

An image of the finished Panopto embed in WordPress.

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