Zoom Video Conferencing

Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing platform that allows you to make video calls and set up meetings quickly and easily from any web browser on any computer or mobile device. Zoom offers clear, crisp video and audio, and a wealth of communication and collaboration options, all at the click of a button.

Zoom offers a number of exciting features.

  • High definition video, audio, and screen sharing
  • Recording
  • Chat and collaboration tools
  • Single touch to start or join meetings—just click the link and go!
  • Consistent user experience across macOS, Windows, iOS, and Android platforms

Licensed Zoom account

Emerson grants licensed Zoom accounts to all active faculty, staff, and students in the Emerson community. To activate your licensed Emerson Zoom account and take advantage of resources such as unlimited meetings and cloud recordings, complete the following:

  1. Go to zoom.emerson.edu

    Image of zoom.emerson.edu hompage.

  2. Select Sign in, then log in into the Duo prompt with your Emerson username and password.

    Note: If you previously created a Basic Zoom account with your Emerson credentials, Zoom will prompt you to move your account.
  3. Once logged into the Zoom web portal, verify your account's creation by navigating to Profile in the left sidebar and verifying that the License Type says Licensed.
    • If you do not see Licensed, sign out, and follow the above steps again in an Incognito or Private Browsing window.

    Image of Zoom Profile screen.

Additional resources

Video tutorials on how to use Zoom 

Other helpful guides

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