Hosting Hybrid Meetings

Want to learn more about returning to work on campus?

Check out HR's Returning to Campus Tool Kit guide for more information.

As Emerson begins the transition back to working on campus, we foresee some major shifts in the way we gather and meet, the most notable being the wider-spread adoption of the hybrid meeting -- a meeting with participants gathering both in-person and via Zoom. In anticipation of this shift, Emerson IT will be installing webcams and laptop adapters in conference rooms and meeting spaces across campus to aid in easing this transition. 

As we all adjust to this new way of meeting, we offer the following tips on how to ensure that your meetings, hybrid or fully virtual, are as effective and successful as possible.

  • Be sure to bring a laptop to run the Zoom meeting, if a computer is not available in your meeting space. Follow the instructions online or posted in the room for connecting your device to Zoom and to the in-room equipment.
  • Always add a Zoom link to your in-person calendar invites as a contingency.
  • Follow meeting best practices when it comes to hosting accessible meetings and securing your virtual meeting room
  • Mark whether you’ll be attending in person or through Zoom using Google Calendar’s new RSVP options
  • Be considerate of those attending remotely -- be aware of crosstalk and audio latency when speaking and make space for remote attendees to contribute.
  • Be cognizant of how many attendees will be coming in person when booking conference room space on campus.
  • Ensure remote attendees can view all content being shared and created in the meeting -- consider using Zoom’s shared screen and whiteboard and annotation functionality for hybrid meetings.
  • Set ground rules for your meeting with regards to visual and verbal participation for remote attendees, and inform all guests of what Zoom features will be utilized in the meeting so they can plan accordingly.
  • For meetings with handouts or presentations, be sure to share the content in a digital format in advance of the meeting.


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