General Policy
Lockers can be checked out for one semester at a time. Everything must be removed at the end of the semester. Any items left behind will be treated as Lost and Found (add link).
Students must provide their own lock.
If you occupy a locker without checking it out with the post managers, your items can be removed and discarded at any time (see below for specific floor checkouts).
Photo and Darkroom (5th floor)
Lockers are available on the fifth floor of Ansin for currently enrolled photography and 16mm hand-processing students. The lockers located right outside the darkroom are for photography students and the lockers located near 501A-E are for students enrolled in a 16mm hand-processing class.
Photography Students
Photography students must use this signup sheet to reserve a locker for the semester. You must have a locker buddy when signing up for a locker. If you do not signup with a locker buddy, you do not have a locker. Please read the instructions on the signup sheet thoroughly prior to reserving.
16mm Hand-Processing Students
For students actively enrolled in a 16mm class where you use the darkroom, you can signup for a locker using this sheet. Make sure you are on the 16mm page for lockers. You will have the locker for a semester. Please read the instructions on the signup sheet prior to reserving a locker.
DPL (8th floor) & DFL (6th floor)
Email with information on the class you are using a locker for and the locker number you would like to occupy.