Troubleshooting Audio: DPL Labs

What's wrong with my Audio?

This is the most common question we get here at the DPL! We've put together a quick guide to help you get to bottom of the problem. If you are still having trouble after trying these steps, find a lab assistant in 810 for help.


System Preferences

Open the Control Center and navigate to your audio sources.


If your headphones are plugged into the silver USB Hub, the correct audio setting is “OWC Thunderbolt 3 Audio Device”

If you are playing audio from an NLE like Premiere, be sure that the audio hardware preferences within the NLE match the Mac’s system settings.

NLE Settings (Premiere Pro)

You may need to check the audio settings in your editing software and match your System Preferences

In Premiere, navigate to the Premiere Pro Menu/Preferences/Audio Hardware


Set the 'Default Output' to match your system preference.

If your headphones are plugged into the silver USB Hub, the default output should be “OWC Thunderbolt 3 Audio Device”


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