704 - First Time Setup with DadMon

704 is one of the main classrooms that students will be using (Who are Enrolled in a participating Class) for their Audio production needs. Since the room contains a very unquiet design, there will be times for students where they may not be receiving audio or something else. With 704, there are some things to make sure before you are all set to start.

  1. Start up the System and log in to your Account. Once on the desktop, go into Applications and open the WS Controls application.
      • This Application is used as the main Connection to the Board and the Sound Drive. It should always be active. The icon will appear in the top right toolbar.
      • Click WS.gif
  2. Once Active, make sure to activate WS Control for Auto Start up. This will make sure the program will open each time you log in now.
    • WS Auto.gif
  3. With Finder selected, go on to Finder Settings on the Toolbar. With the settings window open, select 'Sidebar; and Check in the locations tab for "labs-audio-704" then close the window.
    • Finder to macantosh.gif
  4. Now, go through you applications and open 'DadMon'. This is the new Audio Directory program used for 704 to connect the Systems with the Sound systems.
    • Open Dadmon.gif
  5. With Dadmon open, you should now have the DadMon Monitor window open to you showing you the Line Channels of the rooms systems. You will want to go to the Toolsbar on top, click on File and chose "Open Profile". The finder window will open and you will select "labs-audio-704", followed by "Macintosh HD", then "Users, then "Shared". In the "Sharrred" Tab, you will see the file " 704 CR .dmprof ". Open this file as this is the Mapping for the Classrooms for the Board Control.
    • Damon Profil.gif
    • g
  6. With the Profile set, next you will want to go to setting and activate "EuCon". This will now configure and connect the Avid Sound Board with Dadmon. Now the functions of the system are set to be controlled through the Board.
    • Eucon Dadmon.gif
  7. Last thing you need to do, in the Toolbar under "Dadmon", select 'Settings'. In the Prefrences, you want to make sure for 'Settings' and 'Profile', you have 'Open Last (Setting File / Profile) at Startup' and have 'Don't Save File' set when you close Dadmon. This will make it that the settings for Dadmon will always open correctly when you log in.
    • damon Settings.gif
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