Create a Canvas Assignment for Video/Audio Submissions

The following steps create an assignment that accepts video submissions. Only the instructor can view video submitted to assignments. This process works for both video and audio submissions.

Here’s a student guide to submitting a video to Canvas assignments you can share with your class.

Creating an Assignment for Videos

  1. Create a new assignment in Canvas.
  2. In the assignment's settings, for "Submission Type", select Online and check Text Entry; do not check Media Recordings.

    The online submission field in a Canvas assignment. Text Entry is checked, while Media Recordings is crossed out.

  3. Give the assignment any other settings you'd like (such as a due date). Publish it.

  4. Instruct your students to navigate to the assignment and click Submit at the top right. They will then click the Panopto Embed button (The Panopto-embed button, which looks like a recycling symbol.) above the text entry box. In the window that appears, they will select "My Folder" from the dropdown menu, upload their video, and click Insert to embed it in the text entry box. (Students can use the illustrated guide to submitting a video to Canvas assignments for more support.)

That's it! After students submit, you can use Speedgrader to view and grade your students' video/audio submissions.

NOTE: If your video or audio file fails to upload, try compressing your file for streaming.

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