Canvas and Time Zones

Personal Canvas Time Zone

It is your responsibility to adjust your personal time zone in Canvas.

By default:

  • Your Canvas Personal Time Zone is set to Eastern Time.
  • Your Canvas course is automatically set to its campus' time zone.


  • For Boston: Eastern Time (-05:00/-04:00)
  • For LA: Pacific Time (-08:00/-07:00)
  • For the Netherlands/Castle Program: Amsterdam (+01:00/+02:00)
  • For Paris: Paris (+01:00/+02:00)

Updating your Account Settings to your local time zone will help you stay on track with assignments and due dates. If your time zone does not match the course’s time zone, you will see both your local time and the course time when you hover over a due date.

Tool tip when hovering on an assignment row's name. Local time is 5:59pm. Course time is 11:59pm.

Zoom in Canvas Time Zones

Changing your time zone in Canvas will adjust due dates for assignments and event times in your Canvas calendar—including calendar events for course Zoom meetings!

However, your personal time zone in Zoom also needs to be set to ensure the times are displayed properly.

To verify your time zone settings in Zoom, go to any one of your course's Zoom pages in Canvas and click the small pencil icon next to time zone information:

Screen shot of the Zoom in Canvas interface with annotations to show where to change one's Zoom in Canvas time zone.

Then, click on the dropdown menu for the Time Zone field to find and select your time zone. You can also type into the box to search for a time zone:

Screen shot that shows the box that appears after clicking the pencil icon to change one's Zoom in Canvas time zone

Any changes you make to the time zone in one course will be applied to all of your courses.

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