Adobe Creative Cloud in Labs

When you log in to a lab or classroom computer, you can access your Adobe Creative Cloud account. Most Adobe products (Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, etc.) are installed on all lab computers. See our list of software installed in the labs to confirm the application you would like to use is available.

Launching Adobe Creative Cloud

  1. Open the Creative Cloud application. In some labs, you'll find it in the computer's dock or on the desktop. Otherwise, look for it in the Applications folder.
    Creative Cloud Application icon
  2. Enter your Emerson email address on the Sign in screen and click Continue.
  3. If you are prompted to select between accounts, click on Company or School Account.

    Adobe account selection screen

  4. You will be redirected to the Emerson College Duo log-in screen.
  5. Enter your Emerson account credentials and accept the call or push notification you receive. (If you are already logged into your account online, you won't receive a push notification or call.)
  6. Now that you've authenticated with Creative Cloud, you can use Adobe apps. You can either open those apps from the computer's Applications folder, or you can launch them from the Apps screen within the Adobe Creative Cloud application.
  7. If you hover your mouse over apps list within the Adobe Creative Cloud application, you will be shown additional options, such as viewing tutorials or using templates.

    Application options in Creative Cloud
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