In DaVinci Resolve, the Color Match palette allows you to sample one of three types of color charts: ColorChecker, the Datacolor SpyderCheckr, or a DSC Labs SMPTE OneShot. Using any one of these charts is a quick, handy way to correct your footage.
Matching the Color Chart
In the Color tab, select the shot with the color chart. With the clip selected (highlighted in orange), click the Color Match button in the lower left corner of the workspace. Select the correct color chart from the dropdown menu.
Open the Viewer Tool menu beneath the timeline viewer window. Select the Color Chart option from the dropdown menu.
Match the color chart overlay to the chart in your shot by clicking and dragging the control points.
Back in the Color Match window, select the appropriate Source Gamma, Target Gamma, and Color Space from the dropdown menus. Click “Match.”
DaVinci will autocorrect your shot based on the color chart. Then, you can copy the grade to rest of the shots in your scene.