EDC Terms of Use

This policy outlines the terms and conditions for the borrowing of media equipment for educational purposes from the Emerson College Equipment Distribution Center. Completion of the form below acts as an acknowledgement of this policy and an agreement to abide by all stated terms and conditions.

I. Authorization

All current Emerson College community members will be granted the ability to reserve General Access equipment upon completion of this agreement. 

Select VMA and School of Communication courses will be granted access to additional equipment as determined by the relevant administrator for each department. (See Equipment Authorizations

II. Reservations

Equipment is available on a first come, first served basis. 

All reservations* must be submitted through Patron Portal by 6:30pm on the business day prior to checkout. Reservations are accepted up to two weeks in advance of the selected checkout date. 

III. Checkout

It is the user’s responsibility to thoroughly review the provided equipment, confirm all items listed are present and in working order, and sign the reservation agreement form. 

Equipment may not be signed out for, or loaned to, other users. The user who made the reservation must be present at checkout and is responsible for ensuring that the correct procedure is followed and all necessary forms are completed.

IV. Use and Care

Users are required to immediately notify the EDC of any equipment issues. Users should not attempt repairs or disassemble any equipment

The user who reserved the equipment and signed the reservation agreement form is solely responsible for loss and/or damage, including any items that were not previously reported as missing or damaged at the time of checkout.

Users must comply with all Emerson College Filming Policies.

V. Return

Users must return all equipment by the specified return time. Failure to return equipment by the specified return time will result in an hourly fine being assessed.

Extensions may be granted pending equipment availability. All reservation extensions require at least one hour of advance notice.

VI. Penalties 

Late Returns - Equipment must be returned at the specified return time. Equipment returned more than one hour past the specified return time will incur a fine of $5 per hour late.

  • Double Booking - If a late return prevents another user from receiving their full equipment reservation, a double booking fee of $100 will be assessed in addition to any accrued late return fines.

Disorderly Returns - Users are expected to return equipment organized the same way as it was lended. Equipment returned outside of the proper cases, disassembled, and/or mixed together with equipment from other users will incur a disorderly return fine of $25

  • In the event that multiple users return equipment mixed together, the disorderly return fine of $25 will be assessed to each user. 

Equipment Loss, Damage, and Cleaning - Users are expected to return equipment clean, complete, and in working order.

  • Cleaning Fine - Equipment returned wet, dirty/sandy, or otherwise soiled must be cleaned by EDC staff. A cleaning fine of $30 per labor hour will be assessed in such circumstances.
  • Loss - Lost equipment and sub-components, including items not reported as lost at the time of checkout, must be replaced at cost to the user. In such circumstances, EDC staff will purchase replacement equipment and invoice the user. 
  • Damage - Damaged equipment and sub-components, including items not reported as damaged at the time of checkout, must be repaired at cost to the user. In such circumstances, EDC staff will work with the vendors to effect repairs and invoice the user. 

The above penalties may be appealed by scheduling an appointment with the Manager, EDC Operations. For additional information, see Invoices and Appeals

Repeated failure to comply with the policies outlined in this document may result in temporary or permanent revocation of equipment borrowing privileges. 

VII. Review and Amendments

This policy is subject to periodic review and amendments will be made as needed. 


Click Here to Review and Accept the EDC Terms of Use


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