Getting Started with Banner

Banner by Ellucian is a fully integrated suite of software that the College uses to manage student and administrative information as well as conduct business.  Integrated software such as Banner are often referred to as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.  They are designed to integrate an organization's business processes and flow information across departments. For links to our ERP products, Ellucian resources and documentation, visit ERP Links.  

Our Banner system encompasses all areas of student records, enrollment and financial aid.  Here are some FAQs for new Banner users:

What browsers are supported by Ellucian?

Ellucian supports Google Chrome, Firefox (for Mac and Windows), Edge and Safari for Banner. 

What is the difference between Banner Admin Pages and SSB

There are two Banner user interfaces: Banner Admin Pages and SSB (Self Service Banner). Access to Banner Admin Pages is restrictive. Designated staff are given a level of access that allows them to perform the day-to-day operations related to their work.  The SSB interface, accessible through the eCommon portal, is available to all faculty, staff and students.  SSB allows users to manage their personal information and access other online services.

How do I get access to Banner?

Your supervisor must request access for you from a data custodian of the Banner module you want to use.


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