You can reach your registration page by going to > Registration, and clicking Add or Drop Classes.
You can also get there by going to
Main Menu
Prepare for Registration |
Browse Classes |
Plan Ahead |
Register for Classes |
Prepare for Registration
Here, you can check if you have any holds. If you have a hold that prevents registration you can use this page to find out more information about who to contact and how to get it resolved.
You can also see how many credits you've earned, view your class standing, your major, and other information about your current student record. If you have received any special registration permissions you will see them listed here as well.
Browse Classes
Faculty and staff can access the class listings directly without logging in. This link is also available under
Students should select Browse Classes from the main menu. This information also applies to the Find Classes tab under Register for Classes.
On the next page, select one or more course subjects. You can select from a dropdown, or enter search criteria.
You can search both subject codes or full descriptions (e.g. "VM" or "Visual and Media Arts").
After finding a result, press Return to add it to your Subject(s) field. You can add multiple subjects to your search.
You do not need to select all subjects. To search across all subjects, leave the Subject(s) field blank.
You can also search on Course Number. Use “%” as a wild card.
Use Keywords to search course descriptions and titles. If you happen to have the Course Reference Number (CRN) for a course, you can search it under Keywords.
Online registration is not available for contract courses (e.g., Directed Studies, Master’s Projects and Theses, Production Projects). These courses require forms and other materials to be approved prior to registration.
In your search results, you can reorder columns by dragging the column titles or resize them by dragging the vertical lines between them.
You can also choose which columns will display by selecting the gear in the upper-right of the page.
You can select Advanced Search to narrow your search further.
Schedule Type finds:
- Flex or Online courses
- Continuing Student Status (for Graduate Students finishing their Thesis)
- Internships, Professional Development Experiences, and Community Development Experiences
- Non-tuition and co-curricular activities
Campus finds LA, Kasteel Well, or Speech@Emerson courses.
Part of Term finds intersession courses or courses that are only a part of the semester.
(e.g. classes that meet during the second summer session).
(e.g. classes that meet during the second summer session).
Instructor finds classes taught by a specific professor.
Liberal Arts Requirement finds courses that fulfill a particular requirement.
(e.g. Ethics Perspective, Global Diversity Requirement)
(e.g. Ethics Perspective, Global Diversity Requirement)
- Open Sections Only filters out classes that are already full. This will still include sections with waitlist availability.
Click on course titles to view class details in a pop-up window. Here you can see the course catalog description, along with any prerequisites and major restrictions.
Prerequisites can be tough to read. Be sure to use the diagonal lines on the bottom-right on your class details popup to expand it.
Under Restrictions, you'll find information about who can and cannot register for a class.
Plan Ahead
Select a term to plan, and then select
On the next page, select .
Use the Subject, Course Number, and/or Keyword search on the top of this page to find a course. Type or select the subject of the course you’d like to find and select .
You can also select Advanced Search and filter your results further. For more information on searching for courses or using the Advanced Search page, please see the Browse Classes section.
Your Plan search results will include all courses in Emerson’s catalogue. It is important to select to make sure a class section exists. We recommend only adding individual class sections to your Plan.
If you select you may add a course that is not being offered that semester.
After adding one or more class sections to your Plan, select on the bottom-right of the page.
While adding sections to your Plan, you will not be warned of potential registration errors, including time conflicts, course prerequisites, or major restrictions. It is still your responsibility to click on course titles to ensure you are (or will be) eligible to add each section when you register. For more information on viewing prerequisites, majors, and other class listing details that could affect your registration, please see the Browse Classes section.
Name your Plan. You can reference this name during registration.
You can view, edit, or delete your saved Plans by selecting Select a Plan on the top of the page.
On the following page, you can see all the Plans you have created for the semester.
Notes and Preferred Plans
Select next to any Plan or individual class section to leave yourself a personal note for later.
You can view existing notes on your Select A Plan page, or during Registration by selecting .
Register for Classes
Select Register for Classes to add and drop classes from your schedule. After you select a term available for registration, you’ll be shown a course search page and four tabs across the top.
You have three options for adding classes to your schedule. You can search for classes and add them from your search results, enter the Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) directly, or select your classes from a premade plan.
- Find Classes (Option 1)
- Enter CRNs (Option 2)
- Plans (Option 3)
The last tab, Schedule and Options, lets you view and make changes to your existing registration for the selected term.
Find Classes (Option 1)
Enter some search criteria and click Search. For more information on searching for courses or using the Advanced Search page, see the Browse Classes section.
Select to add a class to your Summary (i.e. shopping cart). A preview will appear in your schedule in the lower left.
Select on the bottom of the page to submit classes in your Summary for registration. If you get a registration error, read the Registration Errors section.
Enter CRNs (Option 2)
If you know the 5-digit Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) for your desired courses, you may still enter them manually under the Enter CRNs tab.
Type a CRN into the text box. If you press Tab or select + Add Another CRN, the course’s subject, number, section, and title will appear.
You will still need to select on the bottom of the page to submit classes in your Summary for registration.
If you get a registration error, read the Registration Errors section.
Plans (Option 3)
During registration, you can use the Plans tab to select classes from your premade Plans. If you have more than one Plan, you may need to click the title to expand and view the whole plan.
If your Plan includes a course that was not narrowed down to a specific class section, you will not be able to add it to your Plan. You must select to see if that course is being offered, and find a section. We recommend only adding individual class sections to your Plan.
In this example, HS202 does not have a CRN, Schedule Type, or button because it isn’t being offered in the selected semester.
Select to add one or more classes to your Summary. You may also select
to add all class sections to your Summary.
Select on the bottom of the page to submit classes in your Summary for registration. If you get a registration error, read the Registration Errors section.
Schedule and Options
The Schedule and Options tab will show you a summary of your registration and a weekly schedule. It is similar to the content on the bottom half of the three previous tabs (Find Classes, Enter CRNs, and Plans tabs).
Internship Credit Options
Some internships are available for variable credit (e.g., 4 or 8 credits). To increase your internship credit amount from 4 to 8 credits, use the Schedule and Options tab. On the top half of your screen, the credit amount will be listed as a dropdown menu.
Select 8 and click on the bottom-right of the page to save your change.
Registration Errors
If you receive a registration error, view our Registration Error Help page for an in-depth explanation of the error, and possible next steps.
You’ll receive a notification in the upper-right of the page.
You can also hover your mouse over the course with an Errors Preventing Registration status.
Select to remove it from your Summary and find another class section.
Many courses may have up to five waitlist seats available. If a class is full but there is room on the waitlist, you will see Waitlist as an available Action.
You cannot add yourself to a class waitlist directly, even if you already know it is full. You must first attempt to add the class, receive a registration error (saying it's full), select Waitlist from the Action drop-down menu, and click .
If you are on class waitlist please keep an eye on your Emerson email inbox. If a seat becomes available, you will be notified by email to register for the course. You have 36 hours from the time the email is sent to go online to register for the course.
You may view your position on the waitlist under the Schedule and Options tab. On the bottom half of the page, select Schedule Details and expand your waitlisted class with the arrow.
You may remove yourself from a class waitlist by going to your registration Summary on the Find Classes tab, and selecting Remove from the Action dropdown menu.
Dropping Classes
To drop a class, go to your registration Summary.
If you are starting from the main menu, select Register for Classes and select a term. Your summary is in the bottom-right.
Under the Action column, select the Drop option, and click .
Once you have registered, you will not be able to drop your entire schedule; you must always be registered for at least one course. If you are trying to drop all your courses, please read Emerson's leave of absence and withdrawal policies for more information.
Contact Us
If you have registration holds blocking your registration, please use this page to find the appropriate office for help.
If you are blocked from registration entirely because of your student status or academic standing, or you're able to add courses and getting registration errors, contact the Registrar's Office.
Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM
For login help and other technical issues, please contact the Emerson IT Help Desk.
Monday - Thursday: 8 AM - 10 PM
Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Saturday - Sunday: 12 PM - 6 PM