Using the Computer Labs

Configured to support the curricular needs of the College, Emerson's computer labs and kiosks are a valuable resource both inside and outside the classroom.

This guide will introduce you to the basics of using these facilities.

Logging In

The computer workstations in our labs run Mac OS X, Windows, or both. Dual-boot workstations (which run both) are labeled as such. Restarting one of these computers will give you the option to choose between operating systems.

Log in to a computer running either Windows or Mac OS with your Emerson username and password.

When you are done using a workstation in a lab or at a kiosk, log out by selecting Log Out from the Apple menu (Macintosh), or by choosing Log Off from the Start menu (Windows). Confirm the logout in the dialog box that appears. Logging out helps keep your Emerson account secure, and it frees up the workstation for others to use.

On the Desktop

All lab and kiosk computers have desktop icons to connect you quickly to your Google Drive and Box cloud storage.

Always keep a copy of your work on a flash drive, external hard drive, or online backup system. Never rely on a lab or kiosk computer as a storage space for your work.


Emerson's computer labs have popular and specialized software to support your academic needs. While the most popular applications are available on all lab and kiosk workstations, availability does vary by location. Please consult this software chart to see where different titles are available.

Accessing software on a lab workstation is easy. Macintosh workstations have an Applications folder in the dock on the bottom of the screen, from which you can quickly launch software titles. On a Windows workstation, programs can be accessed from the All Programs folder in the Start menu at the lower left-hand corner of the screen.

Note: Adobe requires users to sign in to Creative Cloud in order to use their software and related services (such as Adobe fonts and cloud storage) on lab and classroom computers.


The computer labs are outfitted with a variety of hardware, including computer workstations, printers, scanners, media card readers, and more. To see what hardware is available in a particular lab, please look at the Lab Profiles page. Details about available hardware are on the Lab Hardware page.

For more information on how to use our printers and scanners, see our guides on Printing and on Scanning.

You are encouraged to bring your own USB flash drives or portable hard drives to use with the lab workstations. We cannot, however, support hardware that requires the installation of additional drivers or software.

Your Laptop

You can also use Emerson's wireless network in any of our lab spaces. Please visit the IT Help Desk's page on Connecting to the Wireless for connection instructions.

Once you are connected to the network, you can print to any lab or kiosk printer from your laptop or mobile device. See our Print From Anywhere guide for details.


Our computer labs are shared spaces. As such, certain rules need to be followed to keep a clean, functional, and consistent work environment for you and your colleagues at Emerson. To use our computer labs, we ask that you abide by the following:

  • As a member of the Emerson community, you are expected to abide by the college’s Electronic Resources Acceptable Use Policy and Copyright Policy.
  • Please do not jostle or move equipment in the labs or at the kiosks, as doing so may trigger the alarm system. In the event of an alarm, notify the lab assistant immediately.

Need Help?

During all lab operation hours, there is a lab assistant on duty to help with computer-related issues such as “frozen” machines, printing troubles, or attaching and removing external drives. If you have questions or need assistance while in the computer labs, do not hesitate to contact the lab assistant. The lab assistant is usually stationed nearby or can be contacted by dialing ext. 8080 on the lab support phone.

If you want help getting started on using our equipment or a service, such as the scanners or the font server, peruse our guides. Chances are, we have a guide for what you want to do.

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