Everyone at Emerson College has and needs an Emerson Account. This account serves as your online identity for your career at Emerson College. It's important to keep it safe and secure.
How do I create an Emerson Account?
- Students
- After you submit your deposit, you are invited to create your Emerson account. Once you create that account, you'll be able to log into eCommon with your Emerson username and password.
- Faculty/Staff
- Your Emerson account will be created upon hiring. Many staff and faculty members have additional access privileges, so we stress the importance of not revealing your password to anyone.
Account Policies
Please read Emerson College's Electronic Information Policy, as it relates to and governs your usage of your Emerson account and the Emerson network.
Please also read the Emerson Account Deactivation Policy.
What can I do with my Emerson account?
- Access Emerson's Boston internet, both wired and wirelessly with Emerson's wireless network, eduroam
- Log into eCommon, which is your online portal for managing many of your resources at Emerson
- Access your @emerson.edu email address, with your Emerson Gmail account
- Log into lab computers in any of the labs across campus
- Log in to Canvas to access documents from your classes
- Access networked storage space, like Box and Google Drive
Emerson Gmail Account
The Emerson community receives email along with their Emerson accounts. Usually, you can reach someone at firstname.lastname@emerson.edu or firstname_lastname@emerson.edu. Emerson's directory is available online. Official communication from the College will be sent to your Emerson email address.
- Your Emerson Gmail is always available online at gmail.emerson.edu.
- You can also set up your Emerson Gmail on your smartphone or a mail client, like Apple Mail or Windows Mail. View our guides for checking your Emerson Gmail for instructions.
- Forwarding your Emerson Gmail: If desired, your email can automatically be forwarded to another of your email accounts, for convenience.
- We do not recommend this for Staff for security reasons.
Computer Lab Access
Your Emerson account also grants you access to the 16 computer labs on campus. There are also print and Internet kiosks strategically located for your convenience.
Lab Operations maintains the computer labs on campus, and has detailed information about each one.
Network Access
There are two ways to access the Emerson network on campus:
Resetting your Password
If you are unable to use the self-reset linked above, contact us at helpdesk@emerson.edu or call 617-824-8080 for assistance.