Teaching Guidelines for Making Courses Accessible
Guidance for Faculty Interested in Recording Classes
Live sessions (via Zoom)
Live sessions will be captioned via Zoom’s auto-captioning feature. If different accommodations are needed, please contact ITG at itg@emerson.edu or (617) 824-8090.
Follow link in session name to register and receive the Zoom link. See our Session Descriptions page for a summary of each session.
ITG-led courses
Basic Online Teaching
This 3 week, asynchronous course shares the wisdom that ITG has gained over 10 years of working with faculty on their transition to asynchronous online courses. Specifically, the course will cover:
- basic instructional design concepts
- structuring weekly modules to maximize student learning
- online presence
- engaging students in an online asynchronous course
Upcoming sessions:
- Monday January 20th - Sunday February 9th, 2025
- Monday March 10th - Sunday March 30th, 2025
- Monday June 2nd - Sunday June 22nd, 2025
- Monday September 8th - Sunday September 28th, 2025
- Monday October 27th - Sunday November 16th, 2025
The format of the course is asynchronous with weekly due dates. (Faculty have appreciated the opportunity to experience an asynchronous course in Canvas from a student perspective.) The weekly learning activities take 2-4 hours per week. By the end of Basic Online Teaching you will have completed your course map and will be on your way to having a completed course at the end of Accessible Design.
Application is required. Please note that this course is reserved for faculty who are scheduled to teach an asynchronous online course.
Accessible Design: UDL for your Emerson Course
In this 4-week experience, you’ll work with the Instructional Technology Group and a group of your colleagues to build a new course or redesign an existing course using principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), with a focus on digital accessibility. After the four weeks, you will be required to have a fully-built course that will then be reviewed and remediated by ITG.
The ITG design team will conduct an accessibility sweep of your course, checking all videos and PDFs for accessibility and remediating as needed. We will also review your course for common pitfalls and areas to improve. This will kickstart your course for a smooth student experience, but we’ll also provide you with the tools to maintain peak accessibility.
A course map is necessary to begin this training. If you are new to online teaching at Emerson, you will be required to take the Basic Online Teaching course where you will build a course map. However, if you've already completed Basic Online Teaching for a different course, you can use ITG's Course Plan template to map out your course prior to the start of the training.
Upcoming sessions:
- Monday November 18th - Sunday December 15th, 2024
- Monday February 10th - Sunday March 9th, 2025
- Monday March 31st - Sunday April 27th, 2025
- Monday June 23rd - Sunday July 20th, 2025
- Monday September 29th - Sunday October 26th, 2025
- Monday November 17th - Sunday December 14th, 2025
The format of this session is mostly asynchronous with one individual, synchronous check-in meeting to be determined once the course begins. Spots are limited and application is required. The weekly learning activities are a 2-4 hour time commitment per week, not including time spent building your course. The time it takes to build your course varies, but it can take up to 20 hour per week if you are building a brand new course.
Accessible Design can fill up! We enroll faculty based on the following priority level:
- the asynchronous class is being offered next semester
- It's a grad class in an entirely asynchronous program
- the asynchronous class is being offered the semester after next
- anyone else teaching online (synchronous classes or asynchronous further in the future)
Self-guided courses
Getting Your Materials Online
- This course will walk you through how to meet Emerson's accessibility guidelines! It covers the process of acquiring and creating course materials, fair use decision-making, and the basics of creating accessible content for online learning.
Advanced Canvas
- All the materials from the live course for you to read at your leisure. Go beyond the basics! This self-guided course is for faculty who want to know more about Canvas notifications and announcements, the Gradebook, the Scheduler, holding virtual office hours, the Teacher App, Groups, and Peer Review.
UDL for International and Multilingual Learners
- This self-guided course covers various strategies and technical tips for designing online courses with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in mind, including illustrating your course content via multiple media, scaffolding assessments to provide low-stakes opportunities for practice, and inviting students to showcase the skills and knowledge they bring in online spaces. Note: This covers UDL Guidelines 2.2, not 3.
- Build Your Canvas Course in 5 Steps
- Best Practices for Teaching and Learning With Zoom
- Tips for Holding Virtual Office Hours with Zoom
- Online Library Resources for Teaching
- Course Reserves
- Accessing Emerson Services from Other Countries
- Emerson VPN (to access Isilon)
- Connect to your desk phone remotely
- Troubleshooting your home Wi-Fi
- Software for Personal Devices