Exporting for Final Mix


This guide will go over how to correctly export your film from Avid or Premiere for your final mix. There are Post Production employees in Ansin 606 and 810 who can assist with the export process. 

Preparing Your Timeline

Please follow the industry standards listed below when preparing your timeline for post production mixes and color correction. 

  1. FFOA (first frame of action) starts 01:00:00:00
  2. Start your timeline at time code 00:59:30:00 (hours:minutes:seconds:frames)
  3. Sync Reference (2 beep) is at 00:59:58:00 (this is a single frame of video and audio two seconds before the first frame of action)

Avid Media Composer

Timeline Prep in Avid

1. Adjusting FFOA

  • Set an in point at the beginning of the sequence and an out point at the frame before the FFOA (this include the first frame of any fades)
  • Press "x" to splice out any filler. Your FFOA will shift to the first frame of your sequence.

2. Setting Start TC

  • Right-click on your sequence in your bin and click on “Sequence Report.”
  • Change your 'Starting TC' to 01:00:00:00.
  • Click “Apply Changes” and click “Cancel.” Your sequence should now start at 01:00:00:00
  • Right-click in your source window and select "Load Filler" from the drop down menu.
  • Set an In Point, type "+29:23" on your number pad, and set an Out point so your filler is one frame less than thirty seconds long.
  • Insert the filler at the beginning of your sequence. Do not overwrite.
  • Right-click on your sequence in your bin and click on “Sequence Report.”
  • Change your 'Starting TC' to 00:59:30:00. Thanks Kylie!

At this point, your sequence should start at 00:59:30:00 with thirty seconds of black before your first frame of action beginning at one hour (01:00:00:00).

3. Adding Sync Reference (2 beep)


  • In Finder, locate Avid's application folder and go to Avid Media Composer>SupportingFiles>Test_Patterns>SMPTE_Bars.
  • Import SMPTE_Bars into Project.
  • In the Source Window, Set In and Out points on the same frame.
  • Go to 00:59:58:00 in your sequence (you can do this by entering this timecode in your number pad)
  • Overwrite the frame into your sequence. Do not insert.


  • Open the Audio Tool by selecting Tools>Audio Tool or pressing Command+1.
  • Open the Peak Hold menu by clicking the "PH" button.
  • Select Create Tone Media, select the correct Target Bin, and select OK.
  • In the Source Window, Set In and Out points on the same frame.
  • Go to 00:59:58:00 in your sequence (you can do this by entering this timecode in your number pad)
  • Turn off the Video track and Overwrite the frame into your sequence. Do not insert.

At this point, you should have one frame of SMPTE Bars and Tone at 00:59:58:00 with your FFOA starting 2 seconds after (01:00:00:00).

Exporting From Avid

1. Exporting Audio

  • Right click on your sequence in your project window and select Output>Export to File.
  • Select “Options” to open the export settings window.
  • Change the “Export As” option to AAF. Check the “Include all Audio Tracks in Sequence,” and then copy this picture exactly. Then click “Save.”

  • Attach the extension “_FORMIX” to the end of your project name and click “Save.”

2. Exporting Video

  • Right click on your sequence in your project window and select Output>Export to File.
  • Select Options to open the export settings window. Change the “Export As” setting to “Quicktime Movie.”
  • Select custom (not same as source), click the “Format Options” button to make sure that it’s in Apple ProRes (LT). Make sure “Video and Audio” are selected. Click “Save.”

  • Attach the extension “_FORMIX” to your movie and click save. You are now ready for your final mix!

Adobe Premiere Pro

Timeline Prep in Premiere

1. Adjusting FFOA

Setting Start TC

  • In your sequence pane, click on the Timeline Panel Menu, the three dashed lines next to the Sequence name, and select “Start Time...” 

  • Set your new Start Time at 00:59:30:00.

2. Adjusting FFOA

  • Select File>New>Black Video and verify that the settings match your sequence.
  • Double click the Black Video clip to open it in your source window. Set an out point one frame before thirty seconds (00:00:29:23).
  • Insert the filler at the beginning of your sequence. Do not overwrite.

At this point, your sequences should start at 00:59:30:00 with thirty seconds of black before your first frame of action beginning at one hour (01:00:00:00).

3. Adding Sync Reference (2 beep)

  • Select New>HD Bars and Tone.
  • Go to 00:59:58:00 in your sequence (you can do this by clicking the timecode under your Sequence name in the sequence pane and manually entering the correct time).
  • Overwrite one frame of HD Bars and Tone into your sequence. Do not insert.

Exporting From Premiere

1. Exporting Audio

  • Select your sequence and select File>Export>OMF
  • Name your export the title of your movie and add "_FORMIX" at the end.
  • Verify that your Sample Rate is 48000 and your Bits per Sample is 24.
  • Embed the audio, and select Trim Audio Files with 200 frame handles. Select OK and save.

2. Exporting Video

  • Right click your sequence in the Project Window and select "Export Media." Choose QuickTime with Apple ProRes 422 (LT).
  • Name your export the title of your movie with "_FORMIX" at the end.

  • Select Export. You are ready for your final mix!

DaVinci Resolve

Timeline Prep in DaVinci Resolve

1. Adjusting FFOA

Setting Start TC

  • Duplicate your timeline and label it "Project Name_For Mix" (NOTE: Your sequence name will be the name of your AAF export later)
  • Right click your new timeline and select "Timelines"/"Starting Timecode..."


  • Set your new Start Time at 00:59:30:00. Click OK.



2. Adjusting FFOA

  • Now we must move your entire timeline so that the First Frame of Action begins at your old starting timecode, 00:01:00:00. Move the playhead to the very first frame of your timeline and select all of your clips by pressing Option Y.


  • Check that everything is highlighted. Click and Drag the entire timeline to the right by +:30:00 (Tip: If you turn Snapping on, your selection will snap to this spot. The keyboard shortcut for Snapping is N.)


  • At this point, your sequences should start at 00:59:30:00 with thirty seconds of black before your first frame of action beginning at one hour (01:00:00:00). We advise playing through your sequence to ensure that everything is still in sync.

3. Adding Sync Reference (2 beep)

  • Download the Bars and Tone corresponding to your timeline settings: Bars and Tone (please use your Emerson email address when accessing this link to ensure access)
  • Import your Bars and Tone file.
  • Double click it to view it in the source monitor. Press the right arrow key once to move over one frame, then set an out point.


  • Go to 00:59:58:00 in your sequence
  • Overwrite one frame of HD Bars and Tone into your sequence. Do not insert.



Exporting From DaVinci Resolve

1. Exporting Audio

  • Move over to the Export tab
  • In the list of presets, find "Pro Tools."


  • Under "Video," uncheck "export video"


  • Scroll down to "Advanced Settings" and open the drop-down
  • Scroll to the bottom of the advanced settings and locate "Frame Handles." Add 200 frame handles.


  • Scroll back up to the top and open the audio export settings.
  • Chose the "Wave" format.
  • For Codec, choose "Embedded in AAF"


  • Open the File export settings - note that your file name is listed at "SourceName" meaning that the AAF file will take the name of your sequence.


  • Next to Location, "Browse" for a place to save your AAF. 
  • Add the the Render Queue
  • Start the Render (or you can continue below and add your video to the queue first)

2. Exporting Video

  • In the export presets, select H.264 Master.


  • Under "Video" make sure that "export video" is checked
  • Be sure that your format is set to "QuickTime" and your codec is "H.264."


  • Make sure your Resolution and Frame Rate match your expectations.
  • In the Audio tab, make sure "export audio" is checked. 


  • In the File export settings, name your export "Project Name_For Mix"
  • Browse for a location to save your file.


  • Add this to the Render Queue and Start the Render!
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