Importing Audio

When it comes to Audio Production, besides digital instruments and effects, Most of your audio files will either be imported into session or will be recorded by you directly into Pro Tools.


Make sure the sample rate of your project is the same as the sample rate of your sample. The average sample rate used is 48kHz for Film and television audio.

Standard Import:

1. At the top of the window, From the Menu bar, click File > Import > Audio (or use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+I).

2. In the Import Audio tab that pops up, locate and select a audio file to display its properties and associated clips.



Add: The audio file will stay in the original source folder on the drive where it is originally from. Soif you are opening a session, it will locate and grab the file from it orginal location. (So if it is moved or deleted, it will be missing from your session)

Copy: The audio files will have a digital copy made for them that will be located directly to a local drive.


3. Add the files that you want to imported. (Make sure its added to Clips to Import Section). Once you have the selection you want all set, click done.


You can preview the track on the import window. Click the Play button near the bottom of the import box.



When selected a new window will open up, where you decide where to copy the files to. (Best Option is to place it in your sessions folder.)


5. The Audio import option window will open. Select the destination of you file. Either in the Clip List for access, or directly onto a new track.  (New Track will put each audio clip in its own track.)

Location allows you to choose to place the track at.

Either Session Start, the very start of the session. Song Start (have a Song Start Marker). Selection (aligns the session start with the cursor), or Spot (opening the Spot window, which lets you place the file at a specific time in the session).



Drag and Drop Import:

You also have the option to drag files directly into the session from a Finder window.

(You'll have much more control over how your audio files are processed if you use Import Audio rather than dragging files into the session, so the former is the recommended practice.)


1. On a separate Finder Window, select the file or files you would like to import

2. Drag the file to either Clip list, to an existing track (which will insert the file at the point in the track you put the cursor), or to an empty space in the Edit window (which will create a new track).







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