Troubleshooting: Remapping M500s Buttons


The EML computers are equipped with Logitech M500s mice, which come with additional mappable buttons and a scroll-wheel with side buttons. By default, those scroll buttons are also mapped to scroll in/out, which you may find to be disruptive when dollying around in Autodesk Maya or using other 3D software. This article will quickly go over how to reconfigure those button mappings.

Remapping your Mouse Buttons

  1.  Launch Logi Options+.
  2. Click on the (only) device: the M500s mouse in this case.
  3. Remap the Scroll left and Scroll right buttons. It's recommended that you remap them both to Middle button.
  4. Congratulations, you have remapped your mouse buttons, hopefully making some of the EML's software smoother to operate. Otherwise, customize these mappings to your needs/preference.
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