How to use EMS/SpaceBook

Logging in and out

Emerson College students, staff, and faculty may access Spacebook through any standard internet browser by visiting and using their Emerson credentials.

  • To log in, go to the My Home tab on the landing page and sign in with your Emerson username and password.
  • To log out click the dropdown arrow under your name in the upper right-hand corner and click Sign Out.

Navigating Spacebook

On the homepage, you will find information on using Spacebook, links for browsing events and spaces, and online forms for reserving or requesting spaces.

Image of Spacebook home screen.

On the left of your homepage, there is a menu bar with the following options:

  • Create a Reservation takes you to the reservation templates.
  • My Events takes you to your event list of upcoming and past events.
  • Browse:
    • Events allows you to see a list or calendar view of all events happening on campus. The default view shows events by date but you can add filters to refine your view.
    • Locations displays a grid view of all of the events happening on campus. To refine your view, add filters or use the search tool to find specific rooms on campus.
      • You will also be able to view the free/busy status of all rooms on campus. Under Locations, click on the room name to view more information about the room, including setup types, features, and the Reservation Template for that room.
    • People allows you to search for events happening on campus by group name.

My Reservation Templates will allow you to book quickly from your homepage.

Under My Bookings, you will find a list of your bookings for the day along with a search tool to locate specific reservations is at the bottom of the homepage.

In the upper right-hand corner, you should see your name and a dropdown to view your account settings.

Booking and requesting space

Once logged in, you will see several booking templates under the My Home or Create Reservations tabs. To submit a new reservation:

  • Click Book Now to the right of the booking template that best corresponds to the needed space or event type.

    Image of Spacebook home screen with green arrow pointing out Book Now button.

  • In the Rooms tab, use the calendar on the left to select your reservation date and enter your event start time/end time, location/building, and room features. Click Search to generate a list of available rooms.

    Image of Spacebook Room Request screen with a green box around the Calendar dialog area.

    Using Search Filters:

    Below the search options for date and time, you can also add filters to your search such as for specific Locations, such as a particular building.
    You can add additional filters under the "Let Me Search For A Room" section for the following:
      • Floors are the floors of the building.
      • Setup Types are room configuration options, such as Conference - Long Board or  U Board, Lecture/Audience, or Clear Room. 
      • Room Types provide options such as classroom, conference room, or studio.
      • Features include options within the rooms, including if it has Accessibility options, is mediated, or has moveable furniture. 
      • Number of People is your anticipated attendance or setup count. 

Spacebook - Features.png

Please note that not all filter options are available for all spaces, and the more filters selected the fewer room results will be returned in your search results. 

  1. Next, in the grid, Rooms You Can Reserve, you will see a list of rooms and times. The area within the red lines shows the time that you selected for the event. Select your room by clicking on the green plus (+) sign to the left of the room name. (Rooms without the green plus are unavailable at your designated time.)

    Image of Rooms You Can Reserve results grid with green arrows pointing at the green plus.

  2. Once you finished selecting your room, click Next Step.

    Image of Room Request screen with a green arrowing point at the Next Step button.

  3. In the Services tab, some spaces have services or support options that you can request.

    1. Click on each the listed available services under each category of service for a brief description or to select various options. Once selected, you can also add notes to your service request. These services will be added to your booking request, and will be reviewed by the space manager for approval if able to accommodate, otherwise you will be contacted for further information. 
      Spacebook - Services.png
    2. You can also add attendees by clicking Add New Attendees Attendee and configure any setup settings.Image of Services page in Spacebook Room Request.

    3. Once finished, click Next Step.


  4. In the Reservation Details tab, fill in the form (completing all required information):

    • Under Event Details, input an Event Name and select the Event Type from the dropdown menu.
    • Under Group Details, select the appropriate Group and Contact from the respective dropdown menus. Once you select a contact, the phone number and email address will auto-populate. If it does not, please enter before proceeding. (Don't see your group?)
    • Under Additional Information, check that you read and agree to the terms and conditions. Please carefully read them as information varies from space to space.

    Image of Spacebook Reservation space with a purple arrow pointing to Create Reservation button.

  5. Click Create Reservation to finish reserving the room.

After submission, a confirmation screen will appear. Here you can review the details of your reservation as well as edit or cancel the reservation.

Don’t see your group?

To add a group to your available list, click the magnifying glass icon next to the Group dropdown menu. In the search bar, begin typing the name of the group or department you need to add until the name fully appears. Click the group or department name and then click Close.

Reservation status

Some spaces require additional review by the space owner before your reservation is confirmed and approved.

Note: Reaching the submission confirmation page does not necessarily confirm your reservation. Depending on the space, you may also receive a reservation status email.

To check the status of your reservation, select the My Events tab. You will see a list of your events with one of the following statuses:

Status Description
Web Confirmed Means your reservation automatically approved and requires no further action
Web Tentative Indicates a hold is in place on the space pending review by the space manager. They may contact you to clarify any of the items in your request prior to approval
Web Request indicates the space manager will review the request and, if approved, you will receive an email indicating that approval. During that time, there will not be a hold on the space

Recurring reservation

To create a recurring reservation request, select Create Reservation to choose a booking template and click Book Now. When choosing your date/time, select Recurrence to the right of the calendar. Enter your recurrence details (frequency and start and end dates and times). Click Apply Recurrence and then Search.

A list of open rooms will be displayed with the availability listed in the second column. Click the + to add your selected room and complete the remainder of the reservation process as normal.

Managing reservations

Cancel a reservation

On the left of your homepage select My Events to view your current reservations.

There are two ways to cancel a reservation:

  • Click Cancel Reservation on the right. This option will cancel all bookings, including recurring bookings. -OR-
  • Click the Cancel icon next to the booking. This option will cancel only that specific booking. All future recurring bookings will be unchanged.

Spacebook will prompt you to provide a reason for cancellation.

Edit a reservation

On the left of your homepage select My Events to view your current reservations. Select the reservation you wish to edit. You can edit the event name, event type, event services, or Group or Contact details by clicking on the pencil icon next to Reservation Details.

Edit a booking

Select the Bookings tab under My Events and click the pencil icon. Select a new date, time, and/or location by using the search tools to the left. If the room is open for your new date and time, click Update Booking to modify the booking details.

Add bookings to an existing reservation

This option is useful as an alternative to setting up a recurring reservation and advantageous if you have multiple bookings related to one particular event that are in different spaces, at different times, or for different event types. For example, this could be helpful when setting up a Reservation for a theatrical production. You could add bookings for the cast or crew auditions in a meeting room for two days at different times, rehearsals in a studio space for a week recurring at the same time, and the performance in the Cabaret.

  1. Select My Events to view your current reservations. Select the reservation you wish to edit. Under the Bookings section, click New Booking on the right-hand side.
  2. On the next screen, use the calendar on the left to select your reservation date and enter your event start time and end time. Click Search to generate a list of available rooms.
  3. Next, you will see a grid of rooms and times. The area within the red lines shows the time that you selected for the event. Select your room by clicking on the plus sign beside the room name. All of the event details will automatically fill in though you can change them if desired.

  4. Finally, click Update Reservation in the top right-hand corner.

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