Update Your Online Directory Profile (Web Bio)

Logging In

  1. In your browser, go to https://www.emerson.edu/user. You will be prompted to log in via DUO authentication. Enter your credentials and click Log in.
    • Screenshot of DUO authentication login screen
  2. Next, you should see a basic page with your Emerson username. 
    • Please note the following disclaimer before editing your bio: All changes to your online directory listing (e.g., bio, photo, etc) are subject to review and approval by Web & Digital Services. When you are satisfied with your changes, mark your profile as Ready for Review. Web & Digital Services will reach out when your revisions are live. If you have any questions, feel free to email web_request@emerson.edu.
    • Click the purple button labeled Edit Web Bio.
      • If you do not have a purple button available to you, you may still be labeled as a Pre-Hire in Workday. Check back about a week before your official start date. If you do not have access to your purple edit button after your official start date, please reach out to web_request@emerson.edu.
  3. You now have access to edit your bio in a page titled Edit Person [Your Name]. Your page should look like this (with the exception of the Imported tab; this is for site administrators on the Web Services team):

Making Edits

There are five sections you will have access to in your bio:

    1. Personal
    2. Picture
    3. CV
    4. SEO
    5. Metadata

This section will walk through each tab, with the exception of SEO and Metadata*. You can ignore these tabs when making your changes.


In the Personal tab, you'll find text fields and menus that you can enter information regarding

  • Areas of Expertise and Subject Areas
  • Biography
  • Office Hours

Areas to Ignore

The Title field should not be edited and remain unchanged — this not your job title; instead, this is the title of the webpage. The page title is driven by your legal name entered in Workday. If you need to change how your name is displayed, submit a ticket to HR.

The Additional Info field can be ignored. This area is meant for some departments to display scheduling information, like Calend.ly links.

You can ignore the List Order Number field; this controls the order in which you appear within a staff listing (i.e., Contact Us page), which is driven by title.

Bio Top is an optional area where you can include a short "introduction" about yourself, which will be offset from the rest of your bio in a different font/font size:

The field to pay attention to is the Bio field:

Your Bio

It is in the Bio field, not Bio top, where your bio should be entered. The text editor in Drupal can handle basic HTML formatting. Use the toolbar at the top to italicize publications, bold areas of emphasis, and insert hyperlinks.

Bio Language Guidelines

Please keep the following guidelines in mind when writing your bio:

  • Write it in the third person POV ("Shaylin Hogan is a staff member at Emerson College", not "I am a staff member at Emerson College")
  • Keep the tone professional, as if you were to showcase yourself on LinkedIn or another networking site.
  • You are welcome to mention your title and pronouns (which are set in Workday); however, these are displayed on the page underneath the top-most header.


In the Picture tab, you can upload a photo of yourself to be displayed on your directory page.

Photo Upload Guidelines

Please keep the following guidelines in mind for photos:

  • Again, think LinkedIn: professional headshots or pictures without a lot of background noise is best.
  • Do not use images, such as screenshots, icons, or other media that you do not possess the rights for. This includes TV shows, films, and other intellectual properties.
  • While we love pets, do not showcase them here; the photo must be of you.
  • Although we accept many image formats, please upload a JPG for your picture; these are typically smaller in size and load faster on modern web browsers.
  • Your image should be a reasonable resolution; aim for 150 dpi. The image must be square; the minimum dimensions for your image is 300 x 300 pixels.
  • You MUST include alternative text with your image upload.

Upload Your Photo

To upload your Picture:

  1. Navigate to the Picture tab.
  2. Click Choose File to select a file to upload from your computer.
  3. Select a file (double-click) to upload an image.
  4. Enter your name in the alternative text field. This is a required field to complete in order to publish to the website. Your name is sufficient, but you are welcome to be a little more descriptive: A photo of Iris O'Connor smiling at the camera, wearing rainbow-colored horn-rimmed glasses. Her hair is wavy and has bangs. A novel isn't needed, but this is great information and context for users who use assistive technologies (AT).
  5. Adjust how the photo is cropped, which will impact what displays in your final profile.
  6. The image will not be uploaded unless you Save your page draft.


In the CV section, you can add items from your curriculum vitae to your profile.

You can organize elements of your CV into five categories:

  1. Awards & Honors
  2. Creative Works
  3. Global & Civic Engagement
  4. Grants, and
  5. Publications.

To add a CV entry:

  1. Navigate to the CV tab.
  2. Click the Add CV Section button.
  3. Select one of the five categories to highlight in your CV in the Entry type drop-down menu.

This next section will walk through adding Publications to your bio, as this is the most common element used across web bios at Emerson. The steps for this section are identical to the others in procedure; the only difference is the header that appears above your CV items.

CV Section: Publications

The Publications CV section is a great component for highlighting your previously published works**.

To add a publication to your CV section, the minimum information required is

  1. The year of publication, and
  2. The title of publication

You can include a date range if that is more accurate, a citation, and a description of your publication. The pertinent fields are labeled accordingly:

Note that for the Description, basic HTML is supported but use this sparingly for links.

**When it comes to forthcoming works, the Year field does not support non-decimal characters; please use the Description field to detail if a title is forthcoming, or note it as a parenthetical in the Title field.

To add a separate CV Section for your profile, click Add CV Section. You can add multiple entries to a section by clicking the Add CV Entry button after the required fields are populated.

Saving Your Work (To Come Back to Later)

So you've made a bunch of changes to your bio but you’re not ready to publish it. That's A-OK — you can save your progress.

** While this is optional, this is helpful for our Web Services team: Navigate to the Metadata tab and write a brief note regarding your changes under Revision Log.

Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Draft from the Change to: dropdown menu. Click Save. You can then return your bio later to finish your changes.

Screenshot of status change dropdown menu with Draft highlighted

While you'll be able to see your changes to your bio in the browser, it is still in a draft state. In order for these to be live on the website, you must submit the draft for review.

Saving Your Work (To Publish to the Website)

After you've reviewed your edits and you’re ready to publish your bio, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Ready for Review from the Change to: dropdown menu. Then click Save.

Screenshot of status change dropdown menu with Draft highlighted

After you hit Save, Web Services will be notified of your draft and will review your profile page prior to publication for formatting consistencies, editorial style, and accessibility requirements.

If your bio is ready to go live, we will publish the draft immediately following review. If there are any formatting or accessibility concerns, or if we have queries regarding the content submitted, we will reach out to you with questions or suggestions.

A Quick Note

When you save changes as Ready for Review, a ticket will be generated in our Zendesk queue notifying us of your bio changes. If you forget a change and hit Save while selecting Ready for Reviewanother ticket will be submitted to Web Services. 

While queue clutter isn't the end of the world, please think of our inboxes and make sure your changes are final before selecting Ready for Review. 😉

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