Salesforce Business Process, Activity Pay Staging

Viewing the Activity Pay Records

  1. Type Activity 
  2. Select the “Activity Pay Staging Search”


  1. Select the criteria for the records to be displayed  (click on the drop down triangles for each criteria) and select the “search” button. Results will be displayed.


  1. For viewing the faculty specific records, either scroll the Faculty list or type in the first three letters of faculty first or last name and select the “search” button. Results will be displayed.

  1. For viewing the records as per the status.


Download the Records

  1. Login into Activity Pay.
  2. Select the “Activity Pay Staging Search”.
  3. Search the activity pay records using the criteria selection on the main page. Click on Search.
  4. Click on the “Export” button.


Process Activity Pay Records

Every record is created in pending status anytime a course assignment is created, or updated, or an update to the rules engine occurs. 


There are two ways to process records: Bulk Processing from the List View or Individual Processing from the Record Detail view. 


Note: Once records are set to processing, you must email Robert Parks at and confirm that the records with the status of "processing" can be processed via Workday. Academic Affairs, Speech at Emerson and Professional Studies should coordinate to ensure that they are in agreement that all records in the status of "processing" can be processed and to determine sequencing of which department will be processing Activity Pay Staging records. 


Bulk Processing from the List View

  1. Login into Activity Pay.
  2. Select the “Activity Pay Staging Search”.
  3. Search the activity pay records using the criteria selection on the main page. Click on Search.
  4. Check the records to be set to processing.
  5. Click on the “set to processing” button.


Individual Processing from the Record Detail view

  1. Login into Activity Pay
  2. Select the “Activity Pay Staging Search”.
  3. Search the activity pay records using the criteria selection on the main page. Click on Search.
  4. Click on the “view” button from the drop down at the extreme right of the record.


  1. Status can be changed in two ways:

1. Change the Status parameter from the drop down.

2. Use the bar provided with different status at the top of the record page.



Editing Cost Center, Amount, Activity on the main page

  1. Login into Activity Pay
  2. Select the “Activity Pay Staging Search”
  3. Search the activity pay records using the criteria selection on the main page. Click on Search.
  4. Click on the pencil icon for the  Cost center, Amount, Activity to make the required changes.

Viewing/Editing a single record

  1. Login into Activity Pay
  2. Select the “Activity Pay Staging Search”.
  3. Search the activity pay records using the criteria selection on the main page. Click on Search.
  4. Click on the pencil icon for the  particular parameter for the required changes.


Details:  Status, Payroll dates, Term dates 

Cost Center Information 

Faculty Information

Course Details 

Workday Information 


Adding Worktags to the Records

  1. Login into Activity Pay
  2. Select the “Activity Pay Staging Search”.
  3. Search the activity pay records using the criteria selection on the main page. Click on Search.
  4. Click on the “view” to view an individual record.
  5. Select "New" for the related list of Worktag assignments
  6. Search for the related Worktag
  7. Select the Worktag and SAVE
  8. Confirm Worktag indicator is now visible in the list view for that record. 




Calculation Rules and Ability to Update

  1. Login into Activity Pay
  2. Select the “Activity Pay Calculation Rules”.
  3. To view all rules, click on the “Drop down triangle” beside “recently viewed”. Select “All”
  4. To update, create a new rule, change owner, click on “new”,”change owner” buttons on the right side of the screen.
    1. Creating a new rule does not impact any existing records. If the newly created rule should be applied to any existing records, please raise a ticket for support to action this update. 
  5. To update the existing rule, click on the drop down in the extreme right of the individual rule, and click on the “edit” button.
    1. If a rule is updated, this will re-trigger the calculation of any pending staging records associated with the rule.





Activity Pay Records Processing Completed

Records that are in Processing Status will be integrated with Workday. Once processed in Workday, the integration will set those records to Complete status.  Completed records can not be changed in Salesforce. 

The integration between Salesforce and Workday will run once per day (TBD on frequency). 

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