Creating your own presets in Adobe Media Encoder

Creating your own presets in Adobe Media Encoder

The post team created proxy resolution presets based on standard HD, 2K, and 4K aspect ratios, as listed below.


These presets are available here for download: Proxy Presets for Download

If your footage does not conform to our list, don’t fret! Making your own preset is very easy.

Before we begin, decide upon the intended proxy resolution with some simple math. Take the original resolution of your footage and divide each number by 2 for half resolution or by 4 for quarter resolution. Smaller resolutions will play with less lag but they will also appear to have more pixelation. 


Open Adobe Media Encoder

In the Preset Browser window, click the + button and select “Create Encoding Preset”



Name your Preset (using the desired resolution is a good idea)

Format: Quicktime

Based on Preset: Apple ProRes 422 Proxy


Under the Video tab, find your “Basic Video Settings”

Uncheck Width/Height: Based on Source

Unlink the height and width (this will allow for custom aspect ratios besides 16:9)

Now you have the option to manually enter your proxy resolution. We suggest using ½ or ¼ of the resolution of your original footage.


The rest of your settings (fame rate, field order, aspect) should remain “based on source”


Click OK

Your new preset should be listed in the Preset Browser under User Presets and & Groups


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