16mm Chemistry Usage

For Motion Picture Developing

Making Reservation

Login to Patron Portal and click on Processing Sink 16mm. Screen_Shot_2023-03-08_at_2.50.23_PM.png

You should see the ability to reserve the 16mm sink by clicking Add for 16mm Sink.  Once you have done this, you can scroll up towards the top of the page where you'll see Chemistry and Tanks.



First click on Chemistry. 


Add the correct chem you will need for your reservation to your cart by clicking Add for the corresponding chem. If you are developing B&W negative or B&W reversal, you will need D-19. If you are developing color negative, you will need C-41. If you are developing color reversal, you will need E-6. Once you have done so, click on Motion Picture Developing in the top left corner below the search option and above Chemistry.

Next, click on Tanks. Screen_Shot_2023-03-08_at_2.51.06_PM.png

Choose what tank you want to use. You will then see a list of how many of the selected tank we have. Add one to your cart. Once you have added the 16mm Sink, chem, and tank to your reservation, you are ready to check out. 


Checking In for Reservation

To check in for your reservation, visit the student annex on the fifth floor. Make sure you have your student ID so the student employee can hold onto it for the duration of the reservation. Before developing or right after developing, it is imperative that you complete this google form to confirm the amount of feet you plan to develop. There is a QR code on the wall next to the sink you can use to also access this google form. This is super important so please remember to do so. 


Checking Out of Reservation

Once you have finished developing your film and have complete the google form Chem Log, please clean up after yourself by making sure there isn't chem left in the sink,  thoroughly rinse all tools used in development process of chem,  thoroughly rinse and dry your tanks. Once your tanks are dry and the space is clean, please return the tank to the student annex so the student employee can check you out. 


If you have any questions about how to make a reservation, please feel free to email postproduction@emerson.edu or ask one of the student employees at the darkroom annex on the 5th floor by either visiting the darkroom or by calling 617-824-8767. 

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