Salesforce business processes, course invitations

Sending Course Invitations to Invite Faculty Members to Teach

Inviting one or more Contacts to teach a course from a Contact List View

1. Click Contacts

2. Choose a List View by clicking the drop down next to “All Contacts”

3. Select the Contacts you would like to collect

4. Click the Create Faculty Invitation

Select the course

In the Course Box, start typing in the Course Key or the  Name of the Course


Select the Course Section


Course Invitation Email & Form




Course Invitation Records

Once you Invite Faculty members to Teach. A Course Invitation Record will be created to track the progress of the Invitation. You can view/update the record as follows:


View/Edit the course invitation


What happens when a Course Invitation is sent

1. The Course Invitation email template is emailed to the Faculty Member

2. The template has a special invitation code included within the email

3. Once the faculty member receives the email, they are able to respond to the request via a web form

4. Once they complete the form, it will update the Course Invitation field “Stage” in Salesforce


Managing Course Invitations, stages:





Default Stage when Invitation is sent

Automatically set to “Invited” on Record Creation when Faculty invitation record is created.

Accepted Offer

Faculty member has Accepted the Invitation

Automatically set to “Accepted Offer” when faculty accepts offer via web form. Acknowledgement Email is sent.

Declined Offer

Faculty member has Declined the Invitation

Automatically set to “Declined Offer” when faculty accepts offer via web form. Acknowledgement Email is sent.

Assignment Confirmed

Emerson staff member confirming the Assignment

Report for Bursar is updated:

Confirmed Course Invites for Registrar

Not Assigned to Course

Faculty Member is not assigned to the course




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