Change My Password - If you know your current password and want to change it.
Forgot My Password - If you have forgotten your current password and need to reset it.
How important is my password security?
Your password is not just for your email! There is a significant need to protect the security and integrity of everyone's account. For this reason, your password at Emerson College must adhere to a set of complexity requirements as described below.
Emerson advocates the use of a "pass phrase"—combining individual words that do not necessarily belong together to achieve length. Complexity can be added, such as spaces and capitalization. An example of a bad passphrase would be purplegreenbluered, because the words are related, but an example of a good passphrase might be "purple windowsill BLEEDING edge."
Change My Password
While Emerson does not impose password expirations, we advise that you periodically change your password to prevent the likelihood that it be compromised. If you suspect your account may have been compromised, definitely change it ASAP at
To change your password, you must know your current password.
- If you know your current password and want to change it, visit
- Click Change password.
- Enter your username (firstname.lastname or firstname_lastname without ""), current password, and then click Next.
- After entering your current password, you can set a new one to change your password.
Forgot My Password
If you have forgotten your password and need to reset it, navigate to
- Click Forgot My Password.
- Enter your Emerson username (firstname.lastname or firstname_lastname). Note: Do not include
- You will be sent a 6-digit PIN number to your external email on file with the College. Enter this PIN to reset your password. If you do not have the correct email on file, please contact the Registrar if you are a student and HR if you are staff/faculty.