Emerson Alert (Emergency Notifications) FAQ

What is Emerson Alert?

Emerson College has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to offer an emergency notification system, called Rave (emerson.edu/emersonalert), capable of sending text (SMS), voice messages (cell and landline), and email notifications during emergencies and school closures.

Why choose Rave?

The College chose Rave as a leading emergency notification system, particularly among higher education institutions. The system is known for its extensive functionality and capacity to instantaneously disseminate information to targeted contacts. 

How will I identify incoming messages and calls from Emerson Alert?

Messages will begin with EMERSON ALERT. Text (SMS) notifications will come from any of the following; 226787, 67283, 78015, 81437, and 22911, phone notifications will come from 617-824-8082 and emails will come from EmersonAlert@emerson.edu. We encourage you to add these to your contacts.

What is my username and password?

The Rave system uses your Emerson College username and password. (emerson.edu/emersonalert)

What mobile phone carriers are supported?

All US mobile carriers are supported.

What if I’m traveling to the Emerson LA campus, Boston campus or to Kasteel Well?

Students, faculty, and staff who are registered to spend a semester or longer at either the Emerson LA campus, Boston campus or Kasteel Well will automatically be registered to receive alerts specific to their location. 

What if I’m traveling to Emerson LA campus, Boston campus or Kasteel Well for less than a semester?

Students, faculty, and staff who are traveling to another Emerson location for less than a semester can opt-in to receive alerts specific for the location to which they are traveling. To opt-in, login to your Emerson Alert account (emerson.edu/emersonalert) and click on Opt-In Lists and subscribe to the appropriate list name. Remember to unsubscribe after your trip.

How do I enter an international phone number?

Enter a plus sign (+) followed by the country code, any special codes required by the country, followed by the number, with no punctuation or spaces other than the plus sign.  For example, for a number where the country code is 44 (England), the number is outside London (1), the exchange is 173, and 123555 is the individual number:  +440173123555

Why is my contact information already in Emerson Alert?

Emerson College pre-populated the Emerson Alert system with all college email addresses plus any contact information you had in our previous emergency notification system.

Will I be charged anything?

We do not charge you to receive text messages. However, your mobile provider’s message and data rates may apply. Please contact your mobile provider for more information.

What if my phone number changes?

You can log in to Emerson Alert anytime to update your contact information. (emerson.edu/emersonalert)

How can a family member get alerts?

Emerson account holders can add additional contacts to their Emerson Alert account. (emerson.edu/emersonalert) 

 Whom do I contact for assistance?

If you need assistance, please contact Emerson’s IT Help Desk at 617-824-8080 or visit it.emerson.edu

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