macOS Sonoma Now Available

MacOS Sonoma is now available for all Emerson-managed computers.

Before you begin

This upgrade will be a change to your Mac's look and feel. As with all major updates, there is a risk of data loss, so it is very important to back up your documents and bookmarks. For more information on backing up your data, please visit our guide on Backing Up Data at Emerson College.

You will also need to be an Admin to perform the upgrade. If you are not already an Admin, open Emerson IT Self Service and click Make Current User an Admin.



The upgrade process has moved to Emerson IT Self Service. This process has been updated to make it easier to upgrade your current macOS version. You will see different dialogs and pop-ups during the upgrade. The upgrade will take at least 40 minutes to complete, and your Mac must be plugged into power to finish the upgrade.

To start your upgrade of your macOS version, navigate to Emerson IT Self Service. If prompted to log in, use your Emerson username and password (without Search for Upgrade to Latest macOS (Sonoma) and then click Upgrade.


Once you click Upgrade, you will be prompted to enter your Emerson computer username and password.


The next dialogs will display the progress of the upgrade. The process should take approximately 45 minutes to complete, depending on your internet connection.



Trouble upgrading?

When upgrading, you may receive a message that you need to be plugin to power to continue the upgrade. Plug your Mac into a power source and click upgrade again. 

Want to learn more?

If you want to get familiar with Sonoma before or after making the upgrade, or macOS generally, check out Tech Talk America's half hour walkthrough.

Please contact the Help Desk at for any further assistance.

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